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Selectmen's Minutes June 24, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 24, 2003    

PRESENT: Chairman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Selectman Spook Arey, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.

SUBJECT: Attorney Interview   
Present: Barton Mayer, Upton & Hatfield  

The board is seeking to change Town Counsel.  Mr. Mayer was asked to meet with the board and introduce himself and tell the board a little about his firm. Mr. Mayer handles municipal law exclusively.  The board took the opportunity to solicit some free legal advice.

SUBJECT: Highway Department
Present: David Kenneally, Road Agent  

David K. has canceled the renting of a big highway mower.  The state is not doing any roadside mowing this year and he feels he can get the mowing done at a more reasonable rate through some local help.  David asked the board to consider foregoing the final paving on Horse Corner Road and put the money into fixing Center Road instead.  The board did not agree to switch projects.  Center Road will have to wait another year.  Tree trimmers are scheduled to come and quote a price for work to be done on Hutchinson Road.  Chairman Colbert relayed information to Mr. Kenneally relative to marking some handicap parking signs in front of the historical building.  Mr. Kenneally was asked to contact Ms. Hammen and coordinate this work.

SUBJECT: Abatement Reconsideration -Morse
Present: Mr.& Mrs. Robert Morse   

Mr.& Mrs. Morse asked the board to reconsider their abatement request.  The water system they must use is a result of their well being contaminated by salt leaching from the town shed site. It is not a great solution to their problem.  Much discussion was had regarding the problems they are experiencing and possible solutions.

Selectman Arey will contact a local water company and make arrangements to get some new water samples taken and an analysis of the current system as to whether or not it is adequate to handle the problem.  The Morse’s were agreeable to having new samples taken.  The board is working in good faith to resolve this problem for everyone involved. At this time, the selectmen did not rescind their previous decision regarding the abatement, but should the Morse’s accrue any interest on their property taxes this year, it is the board’s intention to abate any and all interest.  The board thanked the Morse’s for their patience and cooperation and the opportunity to work together to resolve the problem.  

SUBJECT: Concerns –Picnic Table-Thunder Bridge   
Present: Mr. Zach Berube & Ms. Cynde Rossman  

Mr. Berube and Ms. Rossman abut the area on Depot Road where the Historical Society is creating a picnic area.  Ms. Rossman stated she first heard about the project from Ms. Noel who is a Historical Society member.  She was told the Society was creating a park.  This raised a number of concerns from the homeowners such as hours, police patrols, increased traffic, and privacy.  This list of concerns was given to the Board of Selectmen who will forward to the Historical Society.  The board apologized for the lack of communication from the town.  The boundaries for the town’s property were reviewed with the homeowners.  Selectman Arey will follow up with the Historical Society to work out a dialog between the two groups.  It is the wish of both parties to have this worked out to an agreeable and equitable solution within two weeks.

SUBJECT:  Fire Department
PRESENT:  Chief Prickett  & Deputy Chief Paveglio

The equipment list for the Used Heavy Rescue Truck was reviewed while going over the vehicle on site.   Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Arey to accept the quote presented by the Fire Department with the agreed upon changes.  All were in favor.  The department is still looking into a “frag tank”.

Chief Prickett applied for a grant on behalf of Emergency Management Director John Martell for a Cascade Booster System.

SUBJECT: Citizens Voice Project  
PRESENT: Doug Hall
HIGHLIGHTS: Doug stopped by to drop off the brochures for the project and ask the selectmen to not schedule any other meetings for September 17, 2003.  The committee is striving for the most attendance possible at this open forum meeting.  


The board is committed to finding a permanent solution to the water situation at the Morse household.  
Selectman Arey will contact a local water company to make arrangements to get new water samples along with a report on the adequacy of the current system.  Selectman DeBold will look into the feasibility and cost of a public system using a pump house that could service all the households.

The board granted the request from Swift Water Girl Scout Council to use the Grange Hall as a pick up and drop off site during their week of summer camp.      

The board is updating employee policies.  Selectman DeBold will check into the state requirements for a full time position.  Selectman Arey will present a rough draft of the policies he has been working on to the board for their review next week.  

After a successful interview, Selectman Arey made the motion and it was seconded by Selectman DeBold to hire new counsel Barton Mayer from the firm of Upton & Hatfield.  All were in favor.  The board would like Lisa to send him a letter asking for an opinion on the town’s current zoning of Impact Fees and the Growth Management Ordinance.   

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Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 11:25pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant
Chairman David Colbert

Approved As Written  
_____________________________                           7/1/03
Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

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